Trade Innovation

Trade Innovation Services Pvt. Ltd.


Our Service


Halal is a term which has its origin from Quran, means permitted or lawful. In terms of food, Halal is a certification mark for food and consumable products which has the permission of consumption by Muslims, the Shariah based on Islamic Law. It promotes hygienic environment in all aspects, and makes sure that the products are not  affecting the health, well-being of people. Halal certification mark ensures that the food products is good for consumption and spread awareness about Halal and its products. Halal is considered as a benchmark for quality.

Halal is a religion practise based certification mark of Islam. It works as per the guidelines of Central Islamic Committee of Thailand and the Provincial Islamic Committee for Halal food with the objective of protection of Muslim consumers. Muslim staff must be appointed at manufacturing units of Halal. Assurance of the manufacturing of product, which is made according to Halal conditions by Company is mandatory. Preservatives used in products are also made by Halal sources only. No mixing of Halal and non-Halal food products is allowed.

Halal certification is globally recognized and has the permission to trade in 117 countries.  Halal certification is not limited to food products. There are some other schemes also under which Halal certificate can be obtained :

  • Scheme for  Foods and beverages

  • Scheme for restaurant

  • Scheme for industries

  • Scheme for abattoir

  • Scheme for warehouse/ storage

  • Scheme for endorsement of product


  • After getting Halal certified, opportunities are provided for increment in  Halal food market globally

  • Halal logo is authentic, independent and has a reliable testimony to support all the food claims under Halal.

  • Non-Muslim clients and markets also have great profit, no loss of different religion

  • Increases the marketability of products in Muslim markets

  • For multiple growth in revenues, small investment is also done.

  • Improvisation in preparation of food, make system hygienic

  • Improvisation of food quality throughout the world standards

Certification Process

Step 1 :  applicant must file an application to Certification bodies. Business must be aware of all the requirements of Halal Certification and the product must fulfil the same as Halal requirements, systems requirements and staffing requirements as well of Halal.

Step 2 : after the verification of application, Auditing must be done.  Auditors are one Shariah and one Technical auditor. Auditors will visit the business to conduct inspection. After the completion of auditing, the report for the same will be prepared and get signed by parties.

Verification by auditors has been done on following grounds :

  • Documents

  • Distribution, handling and processing of product

  • Safety and clean environment for food

  • Way of packaging and labelling

  • Overall aspects

  • Product display and storage

Step 3 : a Technical Committee has been set up who will review the documents and reports submitted by business and auditors, after the auditing. If the reports are satisfactory, then issuance of Halal Certificate has to be done by Halal Certification bodies.

Fees for Halal certification varies, so confirm with the concerned Halal certification body.

Trade Innovation